International Demonstration in Solidarity and Support of Striking Iranian Workers


15th Feb 2006 is named as “International Solidarity Day in Support of Striking Iranian Workers” by International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and World Trade Union Federation (WTUF). ICFTU and WTUF have also called for world wide demonstration in front of Islamic Regime Embassies on this day. The Iranian workers have no rights to organise themselves in  independent organisations, any move by the workers in this direction has been severely suppressed and crushed by the Islamic Regime during the last 27 years. The latest example in the long list of barbaric  suppression of workers, is a wide spread attack, arrest and jailing of more than 1200 workers inclusive Mr Mansour Osonloo and other board members of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburb Bus Company (Sherkat Vahed).


Let us by our active participation in this solidarity day, try to make it, a successful day in support of Iranian striking worker of Sherkat Vahed, and against capitalist system, imperialism and its war mongering policies. Therefore we would like to call upon whole the workers organisations, left and socialist parties and organisations as well as freedom loving people to support this action and actively participate in this international demonstration against the suppressive Islamic Regime of Iran and demand for:


1-     Recognition of the Iranian Workers right in establishing their independent trade unions

2-     Freedom of Mr Mansour Osonloo and all the arrested Sherkat Vahed’s workers

3-     Recognition of collective agreement right

4-     Nullification of the unjust sentences against the worker’s activists in celiberation of 1st May  in Seqaz (a city in Iranian Kurdistan)




Hasteh Aghaliat
