More than 1200 workers of Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburb Bus Company were detained by regime


Workers of Tehran and suburb Bus Company (Sherkat-e-Vahed) have started their strike   from early hours of today. Latest news about the strike indicated that security forces and police have arrested more 1200 drivers and workers and have taken the families of drivers and workers as hostage.


The Islamic Republic Regime has mobilised thousands of police and security forces throughout Tehran to crush the strike. They are being stationed at the bus depots and bus stops to prevent the drivers from coming out of the buses and force them to continue their work. But despite arrest, intimidation, harassments and hostage taking, workers strike in support of Mr Mansour Osanloo freedom, as well as recognition of their Syndicate and acceptance of collective contract by the government, is being successful.


We the activists of Hasteh Aghaliatt, support the Syndicate of workers of Tehran and suburb Bus Company’s strike and condemn the arrest and intimidation of workers by Islamic Regime and appeal to the workers activists as well as freedom loving people world over to support the demands of Syndicate of Sherkat-e-Vahed.



                                      Hasteh Aghaliat

                                         28 Jan. 2006